Welcome to Fabulous Friday, friends!
I love lists. I’m slightly (like on the borderline of being OCD) organized, and lists are very calming for people with my kind of brain.
Just to toss in a little of my non necessarily related food life, I thought a short list of my favorite things/events/news/bs of the week was in order. Call it a “getting-to-know-me” post, once a week. Cuz, why not.
1. Crepes. And berries & bananas. And Nutella. And OH hello, bacon.
And I could eat these for breakfast every day. Non-workday mornings are the best.
2. Kacy Catanzaro Owning American Ninja Warrior
Can I just say that I literally gaped in awe as I watched this amazing 5′, 100lb. woman conquer an incredibly difficult American Ninja Warrior finals course. I may have even gotten slightly teary eyed when she pressed the big red “I Win” button, and her boyfriend Spiderman-ed his way up the truss for a victory hug. I am all about girls being able to do things men can do, and the fact that she crushed the course being her size….just…goosebumps. What a chick. <3 #MightyKacy
3. Bedtime Cinnamon Milk
Why have I never had this before? I’ve had these every night for the last few nights, and I’ve noticed waking up has become much easier, since I have this terrible habit of going to bed way too late when I have to be up for work at 5 AM. And I’m not a huge honey person, but I may be converting.
4. Hemlock Grove, Season 2
So glad Netflix brought it back for another season. Mr. Crumby and I just started watching (only 2 episodes in), but we’re chomping at the bit for the next time we can sit down and binge-watch. Campy as all hell, but funnnnnn.
5. Dear Guy Who Just Made My Burrito
Because it’s absolutely hilarious and spot-on (warning: rough language ahead if you click this!). And it also applies to the delicious, yet confusingly made burrito I had the other night while out for a friend’s birthday.
I started from the right and worked left. I didn’t know it had guac and sour cream until I made it the to other side. Sigh. Y U no build burrito horizontal, people?
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